Create a new TSN Center
- Find the TSN template, modeled after TSN Center #31
- Duplicate the page, change the title and change the “slug” to the next center number. You can find the last center number by sorting the centers by index in the TSN list view.
For example: - Replace the logo and the head-shot of the coordinator for the new center. If they are not avaiable, use placeholders. Please check this page for hints on adding images.
- Fill in the rest of the content including contract information.
There must be at least one email reference in case a use wants to subscribe to that center.
- In the Google sheet, add a new row for the new site, using the earlier ones as examples:
Column A and G are calculated links – just copy them from earlier cells. They are the TSN center link and the coordinator e-mail link respectively.
- From the TSN List View look for the row with your new center as see if the link takes you to the correct page.