Trauma Survivors Network - provided by ATS

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A Program of the ATS

Survived a head on collision with a car on my motorcycle and feeling rage

Survived a head on collision with a car on my motorcycle and feeling rage
by Lorey on Mar 22, 2017, 10:31PM

I was hit by a man who we suspect was high on drugs and going in the wrong direction of traffic. He was swerving in both lanes and I had no time to get out of the way. I remember hitting the car and rolling over the hood, landing on the other side with my entire body in pain. I came in and out of consciousness, screaming when I woke up. My left leg was broken in half, right wrist fractured, pelvis fractured, internal bleeding and a concussion. I was in shock for a month before I was ready to accept that I almost lost my life. What I’m feeling now, 4 months later is mental anguish and rage at the idiot who hit me. I’m hoping to hire a lawyer and get the justice I feel I deserve. I hate this man so much, I can’t see straight. Can anyone else relate?

Reply: Survived a head on collision with a car on my motorcycle and feeling rage
by nreilly01 on Mar 23, 2017, 07:27PM

Lorey, I can relate. It sucks that your life has changed so drastically and the other person gets to go on with their life as normal. I know this first hand. I did not get a lawyer and in hind sight I wish I had. The trauma is like a disease, needing more care than expected years later. Do get a good lawyer. It is ok to be angry, but you have to let it go. The anger slows your healing both physically and mentally. Don’t let him take any more from you. You need to get yourself into a good state of mind to overcome the obstacles left in your journey.

Reply: Survived a head on collision with a car on my motorcycle and feeling rage
by sporty on Apr 25, 2017, 01:28AM

Lorey, I too can relate. I was involved in a motorcycle crash when a semi turned left in front of me while I was traveling at highway speeds. It has been almost three years and I continue to struggle with daily pain and recently had my 8th surgery. Long story short, ply trauma with 29 admitting diagnosis. I would encourage you to heed Nreillh01’s advice to work on letting go of the anger. It truly does interfere with our recovery. I work diligently on physical therapy and even more on the mental aspect of wellness. We are alive…