Trauma Survivors Network - provided by ATS

Survive. Connect. Rebuild.

A Program of the ATS

Attacked by pit bulls

Attacked by pit bulls
by Kristina on Jun 15, 2018, 01:35AM

On January 1, 2016 we had brand new neighbors moving in, I was in alone in the livingroom and heard some strange barking and when I looked in my yard I saw 1 pit bull lunging at and barking at my crippled German shepherd. Without thinking I ran outside, jumping over a small fence, I was barefoot and in pj’s. As I ran outside yelling another pit bull came over the 6ft block wall that separates the yards. Both dogs took turns snapping and barking at my dog. I was screaming for help and waving my arms, one of the dogs latched on to my dogs throat and started violently shaking her, I began to punch the dog in the head while still screaming, the other dog went around behind me and was lunging and barking at me. After several minutes my 16 yo daughter came running out waving a broom and screaming and crying and began hitting the pit bull on the head. My husband finally heard us and came running outside where we continued trying to break the dogs apart, my dog was screaming and blood was everywhere. We did finally get the dogs out of our yard and that’s when we discovered I was injured. Eventually we found out I had broken my hand punching the dog and ruptured my acl which required surgery. The neighbors were convicted of a misdemeanor and got a years probation. We spent two years fighting for a civil suit for my medical bills. They still live next to me and still have the two dogs. They have thrown trash in our yard, yelled obscenities, and given us the finger when they drive by. Every time I think I’m good, that I’m dealing with everything something happens to trigger my ptsd. I was a mental health specialist for 20 years so I know I would benefit from a group of trauma survivors. I’ve been trying to find a group to go to in person but there don’t seem to be any that suit my situation. No one understands, how many people have to live next to their attackers? Between the attack, the physical injuries, two court cases, their aggression and the horrendous healing process it has been a rough 2 years.

Reply: Attacked by pit bulls
by Kristina on Jun 15, 2018, 01:36AM

Ok, posting this made my heart start pounding and I kind of want to cry.

Reply: Attacked by pit bulls
by EileenFlores on Aug 17, 2018, 08:13PM

Wow. So sorry to hear of these events. You have every right to feel however you feel. I hope that you are finding support from a local counselor. If you need help finding a counselor, I’m happy to help. There is a free TSN online NextSteps group that is starting next week, on August 22. You can sign up here: You can e-mail me if you have any questions. Thank you for sharing your story. We’re thinking of you and your family today.