Trauma Survivors Network - provided by ATS

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A Program of the ATS

Is heart attack or having a stent inserted in heart traumatic injury? It feels so.

Is heart attack or having a stent inserted in heart traumatic injury? It feels so.
by summerfilly55 on Sep 20, 2013, 05:17AM

I went to dentist to have tooth pulled. 6 shots of novocain could not numb the molar but each one made my heart pound and my lungs gasp. Finally out, I went home but next day had heartburn very bad…or so I thought. within minutes tears were rolling down my eyes as I frantically searched for Tums. In the ambulance the pain was so great I cried out continually as they convinced me to try a nitris tab under my tongue. Sweet relief but brief. The ride to helicopter and flight to hospital had 3 more treatments to ease my chest pain. My EKG was so strong the doc thought I must have acid reflux. Evidence of heart attack would not show til next morning. More nitris. I am strong, active, and this came totally out of the blue. Blockage was found during a heart catheter inserted up my arm to heart. A stent was place to keep it open. No more pain. I was home next day. Now what? I have bruises all over, am on blood thinners, I realize how fragile life is and part of me is crying on the inside for the swift and violent event. My close ones worry I’m a walking time bomb for another attack. I can’t shake the feeling of both gratefulness and frustration.

Reply: Is heart attack or having a stent inserted in heart traumatic injury? It feels so.
by KatyHollis on Oct 03, 2013, 03:27PM

Thanks for sharing your story. And to answer your question, yes, you experienced a traumatic event. The definition of a traumatic event: an experience that causes physical, emotional, psychological distress, or harm.

You can see by looking on the message boards (or if you are able to find a support group) that every person has a different story that brought them here.

Are you getting the emotional support you need? Do you know where to get that support?