Trauma Survivors Network - provided by ATS

Survive. Connect. Rebuild.

A Program of the ATS

What about emotional trauma?

What about emotional trauma?
by Jesseryan22 on Oct 09, 2013, 06:59PM

I am trying to cope with PTSD surrounding the sexual assault on my 8 yr old daughter and the guilt I have that I was inside the house where it happened right outside. I found out at the end of June and my father and ex husband took me to court for neglect and called child protective services on me. I would NEVER knowingly put my daughter in a situation where that could happen as I was sexually assaulted at the same age. But now I feel frozen but panicking on the inside. Extreme guilt and grief and flashbacks where I am my daughter and I’m experiencing it from her point of view. Almost all my friends have left me, my boyfriend of 3 years left and still I feel so STUCK. I am in my own worst nightmare. It is hell. I feel no hope for happiness. And I don’t know if this is the right place for me.

Reply: What about emotional trauma?
by ewysocki on Oct 09, 2013, 07:06PM

Hi Jesseryan22- I am sorry to hear what you and your daughter have been through. Though many people here experience PTSD and emotional ups and downs because of their experience with traumatic injury from automobile crashes, falls, etc, I might be able to find you a community that meets your specific needs. I will send you an email and we can continue this conversation that way.

Liz Wysocki, National TSN Coordinator 410-955-0396