Trauma Survivors Network - provided by ATS

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A Program of the ATS

I feel guilty after reading every one else's stories...

I feel guilty after reading every one else's stories...
by Whhedgepeth on Nov 05, 2013, 04:02PM


I am trying to find a way to recover and find peace and solitude for myself after my own accident. It happened on 9/15/13 when I crossing the street to meet a ride to work. It was a beautiful, early Sunday morning, and I couldn’t be more excited to go to work and for the start of the Raven’s season. I was crossing at an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection in suburban Anne Arundel County when I was almost across the last lane. I can remember out of my peripheral I saw the car stopped at the intersection inching forward then moving towards me, when I thought to myself I better pick up the pace. Literally after completing that thought, I saw a blur of color, felt my legs go out from underneath me, heard the loudest bang and crinkling sound and my world turn upside down. That moment of everything going upside down and wondering when I was going to hit the ground was by far the longest moment of the entire day. I can still hear my friend, waiting for me, screaming and remember the impact of my body meeting the pavement on my side after being struck by a car moving over 30mph. I remember trying to roll over or get up and was unable, completely unaware of whether or not I had hit my head, and couldn’t stop shaking. It was a quick decision to take me to shock trauma after I was exhibiting signs of shock. I never lost consciousness and luckily never hit my head, however, sometimes I feel like it would have been better not to remember. That’s when I start to feel guilty. I spent the day, again, lucky compared to most, in shock trauma where I was diagnosed with stable pelvic fractures and more pain than I’ve ever felt in my life. I was discharged to go home that night, only to find out the next day I also had a medial tibial plateau fracture with blood in my joint, a massive hematoma on the inside of my calf and a fractured ankle. I am only 7.5 weeks out from the accident and am recovering remarkably well. However, I am really struggling now with bouts of depression and definite post traumatic stress. I am not full weight bearing yet and am learning how to walk again, something exceptionally hard for a bartender who worked 6 nights a week. While this accident seems like nothing compared to many of you, it has drastically affected my life. I am startled exceptionally easily, convinced something bad is going to happen, and am easily angered. But more than anything, frustrated.. Frustrated that I’m stuck, and everyone else around me is going. I am struggling most with everyone wanting to talk about the accident. I know that they only ask because they care, but every time I talk about it I can hear it all again. I feel ungrateful, especially since everyone makes it a point to say you are so lucky. I like to say fortunate, if I were lucky, I wouldn’t have gotten hit by a car! I am thankful to have found this site as an outlet….I feel like my injury is nothing compared to what most on here have been through (I was able to recover at home and haven’t had surgery), but am still suffering from extreme physical and emotional pain, and feel as though no one can understand unless they’ve been thru something as traumatic. Thank you for allowing me to share my trauma, for listening, and providing me inspiration to be as strong as all of you!


Reply: I feel guilty after reading every one else's stories...
by Deleted User on Nov 05, 2013, 04:55PM

Hi Whitney,

Thank you for sharing your story. It is so good to hear that you are progressing in your recovery! I tell people all the time “A trauma is a trauma” and you should not feel guilty after reading other’s stories. I am sorry to hear about the depression and PTSD that you are experiencing. Sometimes, you can only get so far on your own. Since you are here in Maryland, the Shock Trauma TSN has support groups, a peer visitation program, and other resources to guide you along the road to recovery. Please feel free to contact us at 410-328-5545. You can also email at I think it’d be great for you to connect with others in a similar situation. Hope to hear from you soon!

Take care,

Reply: I feel guilty after reading every one else's stories...
by Whhedgepeth on Nov 05, 2013, 05:07PM

Thank you so much, I think I may look into that. I think there is an upcoming meeting the second Wednesday of the month, which would be November 13th?

Reply: I feel guilty after reading every one else's stories...
by Deleted User on Nov 05, 2013, 09:06PM

Yes, we meet the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 6:30-8pm here at the University of Maryland Medical Center. I will privately message you more details.

Reply: I feel guilty after reading every one else's stories...
by horseychick on Nov 25, 2013, 10:01PM

i too feel guilty reading other people’s stories – their traumas seem so much worse than mine and yet the feelings everyone (including you) describe are the same/very similar to mine. Someone once told me that nothing is worse or better, we all live our own truth. i keep expecting to be hit by another car side on – totally bizarre, I had a gorse riding accident in the middle of the woods, not a vehicle in sight!! I really don’t understand where this fear has come from.

How did the trauma support group go?

Reply: I feel guilty after reading every one else's stories...
by tears on Nov 28, 2013, 09:49AM

we may have gone through different accidents but the trauma is there, there is no reason for u to feel guilty. im glad to hear that ur recovering and the fact that ur on this site talking about it is a great way to recover emotionally and mentally. I agree with u when u say ur fortunate to be alive luck really has nothing to do with it.

My story is very short, i was beaten and stabbed 22 times by total strangers and the reason for that i still don’t know even today, i got bashed on the head several times with bricks then stabbed on my back, thigh and head.the scares don’t really bother me that much cause i know in time they will fade but the emotional pain just refuses to go away, it happend on the 2 NOVEMBER this year but i tell u im still having flash backs and nightmares of it. sharing ur story was a big step and if there’s anything at all i can do to help just shout.

At times u will turn to think that people around u dont understand i personally think thats the reason this site was created. As i said that we go through different traumatic events but we know what its like to feel misunderstood and alone.

i wish u all the best in recovering

Reply: I feel guilty after reading every one else's stories...
by Whhedgepeth on Nov 28, 2013, 03:26PM

I’m sorry to hear about your accident and hope you are recovering well. I apologize for my delay in response, the days just seem to get away from me. The support group meeting was and continues to be phenomenal; there are so many inspirational and understanding people. I was hesitant to attend simply because I felt like I didn’t endure what others have, but I’m so glad I attended. I would highly recommend considering coming to the next meeting on December 11 (I believe, second Wednesday of the month).

I’ve been working with a cognitive therapist also and she has reassured me that the feelings of fear and anticipation of something bad happening are more than normal. Recently, I’ve been having a lot of irrational fears of being attacked, mostly at night; I attribute it to feeling vulnerable in my current state. You are not alone in what you are feeling and your heightened state of awareness is perfectly normal! Hope you have a great holiday and have much to be thankful for!

Reply: I feel guilty after reading every one else's stories...
by Whhedgepeth on Nov 28, 2013, 03:32PM

Thank you so much for your post. I am terribly sorry to hear about the unfortunate act of violence you had to endure and am hoping your recovery is going well. I’m so glad I found this site and chose to share, I hope you have found it to serve the same purpose.
I hope the you get some answers regarding your attack in the near future, for your own sake, and continue to make a full and healthy recovery! Happy Holidays to you, you have much to be thankful for this year!! :)
