Trauma Survivors Network - provided by ATS

Survive. Connect. Rebuild.

A Program of the ATS

My story can't compare but still a life-changer...

My story can't compare but still a life-changer...
by cakimmer on Feb 15, 2014, 08:57PM

The first thing that I think about with all of these stories is just how fast life can change and how fragile it reallt is. We can’t live in fear but after you’ve been through something like this, it really can make you think twice about a lot of things.
On Nov. 5, 20 13, I fell off about 3 cement stairs outside of my house and landed on my knee. I had an open compound fracture of my right knee and a small broken bone on my left foot. I spent the night in a local hospital but they decided that I should be sent to Harborview Trauma in Seattle. My kneecap was “100% dislocated” and had many bone fragments in the break. I’m extremely glad that after surgery, I did not have a cast but had a brace from ankle to hip and an aircast on my “good slightly broken left foot”. There were many stages I went through between then and now, at week 14 1/2 (but who’s counting? !). After 12 weeks, I was cleared to “add 25% more weight bearing per week…or as much as I can tolerate”. Each PT session, they push a little harder and I improve a wee bit but I’m soooo of this long road. I haven’t been able to work in 4 months (there’s certain things physically that are tricky) and I get tired so easily. I THINK im almost to a point where I could work on crutches but I’m not the most athletic or coordinated person so tgey scare me a bit. My office is also at the bottom of a hill so syill would need someone to take me in my wheelchair to get there. Very frustrating.
ANYWAY, I guess I just needed to vent and read other stories to see what I’m dealing with is normal. I can hardly look at the stairs where I fell and it makes me ill to think about that night…and that I have a knee full of screws and a huge metal plate from knee to hip almost. It’s just CREEPY! I generally don’t have pain but do have a lot of tightness and like a big rubber band feeling around my knee. I found this site while searching to find “if it will ever feel normal again”. I guess the internet can’t answer EVERYTHING, eh?
I try to learn the lesson from going through this…I think the biggest is to SLOW DOWN and be patient. I’m also battling HUGE hospital bills becausebi had no insurance when this happened. I’m thinking I’ll be dealing with bankruptcy soon on top of trying to heal. UGH.

Reply: My story can't compare but still a life-changer...
by SarahHendrickson on Feb 17, 2014, 12:56PM

I’m glad you found this site. It’s intention is to make sure that individuals who have experienced physical injury have an outlet to share exactly the sentiments you shared. It’s hard to understand all that is involved in a single injury unless you’ve been through it. I hope you find people here you can connect with. Many of the issues and challenges you are facing are certainly echoed throughout this forum. I also hope you can reach out to other support systems in your area. It sounds like you are working hard at getting through some of the sticky points such as PT, “The Stairs”, Work, Mobility, and Finances. We also have a program called Next Steps that helps with Self-Management and outlining how to work on each one of these challenges. You can link to it from this website and if you are interested, just reach out. It sounds like you have a lot of opportunity to become overwhelmed; sometimes little tools like this can help!

Keep us updated on your progress and know that some days are hour by hour, some weeks are day by day, but you have support as you recover!

Take Care,
Sarah Hendrickson
Trauma Survivors Network Coordinator, Cleveland, Ohio