Trauma Survivors Network - provided by ATS

Survive. Connect. Rebuild.

A Program of the ATS

car accident on Valentines day

car accident on Valentines day
by eddiecarcuz on Feb 19, 2015, 02:50PM

So this Saturday i was in a car crash, i dint receive the impact of the hit, my friend in the back right rear did. All i remember we got hit the car did a 360 degree spin and i was seeing blurry for a bit then my vision came back. It felt so unreal i dont remember the air bag hitting me but it did, just remember i walked out and was a bit dizzy. I was on the passenger side. We went too the hospital and got checked out they said i was fine. They checked my eye sight , felt my body for any pain and nothing. Made me walk straight took my pressure and everything went fine. Also checked my eyes for a concussion. They told me i was lucky so where the rest in the car as well. Im just in a panic state a lil traumatized. They also checked my breathing everything was fine. I am just terrified from this experience. Cant sleep sometimes, my lack appetite , i get nervous. Feel like i get anxiety cant anyone relate

Reply: car accident on Valentines day
by KatyHollis on Feb 19, 2015, 06:50PM

I’m so sorry to read about your accident. I’m glad that you found the TSN website and hope that you get the support that you need. Is there someone that you can talk to? Perhaps reaching out to a social worker through the hospital who can help you find the support that you need. Just because you don’t have any visible physical injuries doesn’t mean you didn’t experience a trauma. Make sure you get the help and support that you need.