Trauma Survivors Network - provided by ATS

Survive. Connect. Rebuild.

A Program of the ATS

I Feel hollow after my wreck

I Feel hollow after my wreck
by terry hogue on Mar 21, 2015, 03:40AM

My accident was 12-24-2014 it took 38 mins to cut me out of my truck i was traped in the door frame. i had lost control of my truck on a rainy day and hit a tree after sliding over 100 feet the brakes did not help at all. I shatterd part of my left leg i still have not been cleared to put any weight on it.The nightmares started while i was still in the hospital and even with the pills i relive the accident from start to Finish i even feel the pain during the dream. Im now scared of cars i cant ride with out anti anxiety meds and its getting worse. People around me dont understand i fill hollow like im a shell of my self and i keep for no reason at all fighting back tears that i cant explain why i want to cry

Reply: I Feel hollow after my wreck
by SarahHendrickson on Mar 23, 2015, 02:08PM


First, let me say how much we all feel for you during this difficult time. As you can see on this site, many people have been in your situation and can relate to your feelings. Let me also be the first to say how NORMAL these feelings are. You aren’t losing your mind. You are RECOVERING. And this includes both your physical and emotional injuries.

You should know that you are already doing exactly what you need to do and can do in your situation, and that is seeking people who understand and asking for help. No one but you will truly know what you have been through, so although it is hard, YOU are the only one who can EDUCATE others on what you need going forward.

If you live close to a hospital listed on this website that offers a TSN, I implore you to seek out their services. There is also an online course called NEXTSTEPS through this site that can help with organizing your thoughts and emotions in these first few weeks and months. The survivors I’ve worked with seem to find it very helpful. If you don’t have access to these things, then call your hospital and see what they have available to you through your rehabilitation. There is something there just for you, you just have to find it.

As for the nightmares…reliving your accident, the pain, and the day that everything changed, can be exhausting, painful, and complicated. Recognizing that you don’t like these feelings or triggers can be helpful. You know how when you are trying to stretch a tight muscle, or lift a heavy weight, they tell you to “breathe out” during the hard part, right? The same goes for these feelings, dreams, and memories…except instead of breathing, you need to talk it out to get through those heavier moments. Find someone, here, online, at home, that is willing to listen you talk it through and before you know it, you’ll have moved that heavy situation somewhere else for the day so that you can focus on what you enjoy and what you can do with your recovery.

If nothing else, Terry, know you aren’t alone. Just as there were screws and plates and casts and medicine to help you heal physically, there are support groups, counselors, fellow survivors, and TSN services to help you through this emotionally.

And at the end of the day, if nothing else worked, go ahead and cry. There’s no shame in being frustrated and sad. But I’ll let the other survivors tell you that :-)

Reply: I Feel hollow after my wreck
by terry hogue on Apr 04, 2015, 04:36AM

Reply: I Feel hollow after my wreck
by terry hogue on Apr 04, 2015, 04:38AM

the pills they gave me helped at first the nightmares came less often but i think the pills are not strong enough now many nights i dont sleep for the dreams i actualy am scared to go to sleep at night or in the day i cant handle the accident reliving it over and over and i have no control its driving me crazy

Reply: I Feel hollow after my wreck
by working dog girl on Apr 10, 2015, 04:46PM

Terry I so feel you and what you are going through. My story is called disassembled and rearranged and is posted on here. First of all have you sought counseling for you PTSD symptoms? If you didn’t know that’s what it is called that you relive the accident over and over again and the nightmares. while medication is helpful and assists us to sleep it does not address the real problem its kind of like putting a band aid on very deep cut. when we have a traumatic event in our lives like trauma we need counseling to help us deal with all these emotions because no one is ever prepared for these things. I have been a nurse 20 years and was still in no way prepared for how my entire life was altered when I was involved in a fatal accident last August 22nd. it was raining that day for me as well. the class called next steps on here is wonderful and I encourage you to take it as it is also free. rebuilding ones life after trauma is work but well worth the effort. all these emotions are normal that you feel. it’s a process and there is grieving involved for the life we feel we lost because we are changed but it doesn’t have to be all negative. a lot of good things have come out of the tragedy of my accident. best wishes to you.

Reply: I Feel hollow after my wreck
by terry hogue on Apr 11, 2015, 02:55AM

i cant take the nightmare and the 20th at daymark is so far away i know its only 10 days but i dont think i can make it ten more days i just want to go to sleep and never wake up

Reply: I Feel hollow after my wreck
by ewysocki on Jun 04, 2015, 12:38PM


If you believe you are at risk for suicide, dial “911” or go immediately to the nearest hospital Emergency Room for an evaluation or call 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255).

Liz Wysocki- National TSN Coord.

Reply: I Feel hollow after my wreck
by jennie24 on Jul 12, 2015, 04:12AM

My accident was on April 26, 2015 with several broken bones I spent a month in the hospital and has a total of 3 surgeries. I have been non-weight bearing since, I struggle daily with the frustration of needing help with everything I do. I feel like I lost a part of me when they took away my independence. I have not slept a good nights sleep and I have the same anxiety getting into a car. I want you to know you are not alone.

Reply: I Feel hollow after my wreck
by charhoulden on Jan 08, 2016, 03:43AM

I just read your story…and wow..does it ever hit close to home. Just today , about 3 times, I felt like I could just start crying…for now reason. I too feel hollow at times…not always but sometimes…which honestly, makes me feel guilty because I know there are so many other people out there that are far worse off than me. I look completely normal on the outside…but on the inside…it’s different. I thought a year after my accident I would be just fine…but that’s not the case. I’d like to know how you are doing now….and I hope your nightmares have ended. Thankfully I do not get many nightmares…but driving is not much fun now that it is winter. Anyways, I hope you are doing better! Take care.