Trauma Survivors Network - provided by ATS

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Bad accident. Didn't die but feel like I am.

Bad accident. Didn't die but feel like I am.
by Black0rchid on Dec 03, 2015, 04:45AM

was hit on my drivers side door by a huge pickup truck probably going 40mph. Do not know how I’m not dead. The car caved in and the dashboard and frame collapsed all around me but I had no noticeable injury. It has been six days since the accident but I’m having bizarre physical symptoms that I have not been able to find anything about them being normal after a crash that had such a hard impact.

I’ve been scanned twice and they saw nothing. And my chest x rayed. Nothing. The soreness in my abdominal muscles and soreness in neck and back like normal whiplash symptoms are there but they are dwarfed and hardly noticeable compared to the other symptoms. I’m also having a little soreness on my hip area from the seatbelt which I also believe to be normal.

The symptoms I’m alarmed about are nausea, areas of my skin become numb and cold for long periods of time (often my back, shoulder and back of head and left leg), I have this feeling constantly that I can only describe as being similar to being electrocuted, my organs take turns having pains and cramps and fluttering), my blood and heart literally hurt, I swear I can feel my blood trying very hard to circulate and I can literally feel my vei throbbing trying to simply do their job, chest pains, this pins and needles and feeling so cold that the freezing outdoor temps don’t feel cold which they are, I’ve lost 4.5 lbs since Sunday (3.5 days ), I get winded after 20 ft of walking a moderate pace, my nerves are freaking out everywhere with that creepy under your skin prickly nail on the chalkboard sickening twinges constantly, my insides feel frozen and I can feel the sluggishness of my organs and my blood feels like there are shards of ice running through it. I feel like I’m dying and in my gut I know there’s something wrong that’s not PTSD please help me.

Reply: Bad accident. Didn't die but feel like I am.
by ewysocki on Dec 03, 2015, 03:17PM

BlackOrchid- I am so sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. I have sent you a message privately.

Reply: Bad accident. Didn't die but feel like I am.
by charhoulden on Jan 08, 2016, 04:29AM

Hello. I have just read your post. I hope you have had some relief lately and that the medical community can figure out what is going on with you. I would like to know how you are doing if you care to share. I have worked in a medical clinic for 20 years and I sure hope you find relief soon. Take care.