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I was intoxicated and rolled my car 5 times no others injured

I was intoxicated and rolled my car 5 times no others injured
by Selenaal on May 13, 2016, 03:24PM

It was a friday night i decided to go out even though my orginal plan was to go home and prepare to go visit my boyfriend in fort dodge the next morning, but i chose to go out with some friends to a couple house partys. The first party i went to i wasnt driving our friend picked us up our location at this point is des moines around 10 pm, my car was parked at another friends house 3 blocks away. I drank there not much i wasnt having the best time i knew like 4 people out of the 30. So once i saw a good friend i knew from school he said that all my close friends and everyone i knew were at this other party in west des moines and basically better than this party we were at. So i convinced him and his gf and his buddy to take me to my car down the street so i could follow them. They did that and i didnt want to be by myself so his girlfriend rode with me. We made it to the next party everything was fine i was having a great time but was also getting way to drunk. Everyone was letting me hit there bottle and here selena have another beer. I was taking them i hadnt been to a party in 2 months due to school and work so i was enjoying myself way to much. The night goes on and i black out at this point last thing i remember was i was on this kids porch with like 30 other people smoking cigerettes and i was talking about my boyfriend to this girl, my friends said i left around 3:30 2 of my close friends were trying to grab my keys and tell me to stay the night or they can take me home, but they said i was yelling and fighting for my keys and it got to the point where we were yelling in the middle of the street at 3am so the house owner of the party obviously didnt want cops to come so told them to let me go if i was so upset and for them to get back inside or leave. After this point i dont remember anything i dont remember that argument either. I can only see ny steerung wheel going back and forth all crazy then me waking up in the hospital. This is how bad i blacked out i woke up in the hospital thinking one of my friends had brought me there due to alcohol poisoning, i saw the hospital room phone and call my mom since she wasnt there and left a calm voicemail about how i thought someone brought me here because how sick i mustve gotten off alcohol, it was after i hung up that ny nurse noticed how calm i was and she asked " honey do you know what happened to you?" I ssid yeah alcohol poison she said " no you flipped your car 5 times at 50mph on ep true in west des moines and they found you upside down in your car hanging from the seat belt." I started bawling my eyes out i immediatley got a call back from my mom and told her what really happened. I couldnt beleive this happened to me and that i didnt remember anything of it. I also prayed and thanked godd a million times that no one was in my car with me or that i didnt hit anyone else. And that im even alive. Everyone came up to the hospital Family and friends. My mom was so mad that no one had notified her im only 19 and even though im legally an adult i still have 4 emergency contacts they couldve called. I was at mercy hospital from 4:30 am until 8 am with no family notified. My mom found out where my car was ti go and try to retreive my belongings such as my purse, school bag and etc. She then showed me my car, its a miracle im alive my windsheild was gone, the hood of my car was smashed down so bad the steering wheel was habgibg out the top. I cabt beleive i obly cane out with 3 fractured ribs and a few scratches on my face scalp and hand with no stitches necessary. God is good i know im getting an owi and other legal action im just glad im still here to expeirence a hard lesson learned and be with my family and the people who truly care and ive impacted there life in some way. I can only say that drinking and driving is something to take serious because i thought it would never happen to me im smarter then that but look what my poor decision have done and couldve caused pain to alot of people and my family and friends losing someone they love.

Reply: I was intoxicated and rolled my car 5 times no others injured
by Deleted User on Dec 02, 2016, 06:48PM

Thank you for sharing, we are glad that you are a strong survivor. We are in Missouri and glad to hear from other trauma areas. Lori A Freeman