Dealing with legal claims
by Claire on Oct 22, 2016, 09:30AM

Can I just say, headache much? Right now I am drained yet can’t sleep. After talking with my claim rep today, I am very uncomfortable with where my case is at since they seem to suddenly not know much about my case despite the fact they have two years of receipts, medical bills, police reports, and access to medical records. I was looking to settle now, with only a month left until the statute of limitations is up and the rep told me I am getting a new rep again on Monday (I’ve lost count as to how many now) that I’ll have to explain everything to and suggested I get an attorney. I may have to file a lawsuit now, something I’ve avoided because the person who caused my accident was my boyfriend of five years in his parents’ house and it is their homeowners insurance I made the claim with. I don’t actually want to sue him or his family as it was an accident and they have cared for me through all of this and we are still together. Anyone have any insight?