Trauma Survivors Network - provided by ATS

Survive. Connect. Rebuild.

A Program of the ATS

I was in a bad car accident last year

I was in a bad car accident last year
by studebakerman on Mar 23, 2017, 10:17PM

Hi, I’m typing this for my elder friend Michael, 67, who cannot type fast (and whom has not yet learned how to use the internet, except by a voice-activated doohickey), but will be telling me what to write in the future. For now, I’m just going to give you the run-down on what happened to Michael. Last year Michael was in a car accident which killed his long-time lover and marriage partner (over 20 years of relationship). He was a passenger in the back seat, and someone else was driving (not his lover). Michael somehow survived, even though the car was crushed in such a way that it resembled a taco. This was the third bad accident Michael was in. The first one, at about age 18, gave him a broken neck, but that didn’t particularly bother him until he was much older, in his 40s (when I met him). Two accidents later, he has a “special” type of problem, where he no longer has any cartilage in his neck, and if he jerks it suddenly he is in danger of losing all lower body control. He is now receiving treatment in Palm Springs, CA where he lives, but I am not sure it is the best treatment he could have. Michael is open to other services and is basically insured, in case anyone knows of any particularly helpful services in his area. Basically, his pain is thru-out his body. He often can no longer eat solid foods, due to digestive problems related to his injuries, and must drink juices only. This has been particularly difficult in the last month or so, he says, where he says he has “leg, stomach, arms, neck pain; just about everything” is in pain. He says he’s “been thru this before”, such as when he was in his 30s, where he had to drink only liquids. He would like to talk with people about alternative treatment options, as well as input for the various other difficulties he has. Friendship is of course particularly wanted. Michael has only a high school education. But made a lot of people happy for over 30 years as their personal mechanic, as well as working about 10 years as a large truck mechanic. He still has those friends, except he has moved away from there of late (due to his lover wanting to move), and finds himself quite isolated. He cannot easily visit with his old friends any more. Well, I think that about covers a basic intro. Any questions? I could also post a personal type text he wrote up, if anyone is interested.

Reply: I was in a bad car accident last year
by EileenFlores on Jul 15, 2017, 05:40PM

Michael, Thank you for sharing your survivors story and we are so sorry for your loss. We’re thinking of you as you continue to heal and find the right treatment options for you. Keep going. Survive. Connect. Rebuild.