Trauma Survivors Network - provided by ATS

Survive. Connect. Rebuild.

A Program of the ATS

Fall from the roof

Fall from the roof
by Scott Singer on May 29, 2017, 08:04PM

Last yOctober I was painting the house and somehow fell off the roof. I only remember going up there, don’t remember the fall or much for maybe two weeks after. I had double vision which has improved to double only when I look down not turning my head down. My #2 lumbar has two fractures, should heal. My right shoulder hurts when moved in certain ways. Had an MRI but don’t know the results yet. I am told things will be much better after about a year. My recovery has been going well, better than the medical staff thought is typical. So that is good. I am worried about my vision and brain… thinking and being able to work. I work 1/2 days now. What I worry about is if my vision will improve all the way or not and if my brain will work normally. My short term memory is damaged. Right now a bit scared and hoping for improvements to continue. Never was seriously hurt before.

Reply: Fall from the roof
by EileenFlores on Jul 15, 2017, 05:07PM

Thanks for sharing your survivor story. Having a major fall like that is a serious accident, but we are so glad that you are reaching out to other trauma survivors for support in your recovery. Keep going. We’re cheering for you! Survive. Connect. Rebuild.