Head On Motorcycle Accident May 30,2019
by tmth0ma2004 on Jul 16, 2019, 01:45PM

I was riding my motorcycle and was involved in a head on collision from another motorcycle rider who went left of center. I suffered compound open femur fracture, fractured hand, broken fingers, fractured ribs and also experience numbness on right side due to nerve damage. That day is surreal to me, as bad as the accident was I met so many angels along the way, From the paramedic in the ambulance, to life flight, trauma team, and nurses I was so blessed to meet such wonderful people. After the accident two bikers came up and jumped right in to stop the bleeding of my leg, all while we waited 40 mins for help to arrive. This accident took place in the mountains and was my 9th year out there.. limited cell phone coverage so I knew there would be a long wait for help. These bikers jumped right in..I was so lucky, I learned a lot that day and still replay the memory of when i realized that I could die. From that point forward I focused on breathing and communicating with other riders. From the moment of impact I became very clear and calm. I remember everything about it,,, the feell.. the smell of the road.. the texture of the pavement. While I feel so blessed, I do struggle with emotional surges where I just start crying. I am not afraid of emotions, but realize there may be a lot more going on in the acceptance of what happened, how my life changed, and what my new normal is in recovery. I more than likely will lose my 27 year career due to extent of leave, but seem to have a new calmness regarding all that is going on. God was certainly there that day and I firmly believe he is guiding me. I do need help along the way… to express… share… listen, and support others as well. I’m thankful for this site, because I don’t think the average person could totally understand all the emotions, and depth attached to such an event. I look forward to seeing what this site does, and can already tell it’s something special to its community.