Trauma Survivors Network - provided by ATS

Survive. Connect. Rebuild.

A Program of the ATS

A routine hysterectomy

A routine hysterectomy
by Lennon09 on Feb 23, 2021, 09:16PM

On October 16, 2019 I was scheduled to have a routine hysterectomy. It turned out to be anything but that. I was sent home from hospital later that same day. I came home and essentially died and was found on the floor by my husband. I had bled out from my abdomen causing my lungs to collapse and hypovolemic shock. The paramedics intubated me in the ambulance in my driveway. It was estimated that I was clinically dead for close to 28 minutes. Fast forward to 8 days in ICU, 7 blood transfusions and emergency surgery. being put on a ventilator for almost a week. My husband had initially been told that I would not survive that first night. It has been almost a year and a half I am still healing and definitely feel the emotional scars. Anxiety, depression and PTSD. I have severe short term memory loss. I have completely lost my nursing career and livelihood. I am still struggling to put my life back together emotionally as well as financially.

Reply: A routine hysterectomy
by katherinejoseph on Mar 10, 2021, 07:02PM

Hi there, thank you so much for sharing your story. Emotional scars are so real and I want you to know that you are not alone. If you have any interest in talking with another trauma survivor who has experienced anxiety, depression or PTSD, I would be happy to connect you with someone. Please do not hesitate to reach out, we’re cheering for you! Katherine Joseph,