TSN Coordinators
Dr. Benetta H. Wholuba
Licensed Psychologist
[email protected]
Phone: (904) 639-2133
Emilee Crawford
Injury Prevention and Outreach Education Coordinator
[email protected]
Office Phone: (904) 639-8160 | Mobile Phone: (904) 314-6942
Patient Survival Stories
Patient & Family Handbook
Upcoming Programs & Events
Virtual Support Group for Trauma Survivors
Join our free monthly online support group for survivors of physical injuries co-led by TSN trauma professionals and peers the 2nd and 4th Wednesday. This month’s topic is “Building an Attitude of Gratitude.” Join us Wednesday, November 13th from 3:30 PM-5:00 PM ET. The Wednesday, November 27th group will not meet. *registration closes November 13th.
The NextSteps program is a free 6-week self-management course designed to recognize that YOU play the most important role in your recovery. Based on the principles of self-management, it uses techniques that have been scientifically proven to increase one’s self-confidence and sense of empowerment. NextSteps teaches you the skills to become an active self-manager of your health and your life.
For more information on all TSN Groups visit support groups.
Trauma Survivor Day 2025
Save the date for our annual Trauma Survivor’s Day May 2025. If we have previously cared for you or your loved one, we want to connect with you and hear about your progress. On this special day in May, previous patients and their families are invited to return, reconnect with staff, and share their survivor stories or come be inspired by the stories of others. Information will be updated here as the date approaches. Have questions or want to reserve your seat early, please contact Dr. Wholuba by email at [email protected].
Community Resources
There are many resources in the community that are ready to help patients and their families after traumatic injury. Browse by topic to learn more about available resources. For more support, please contact us.
Sepsis Education
When A Loved One Has Sepsis: A Caregiver’s Guide
Sepsis Self-Management Plan
Sepsis Visit Sepsis Alliance for more information (www.sepsis.org)
Traumatic Amputation
The mission of AMPOWER is to empower and strengthen those affected by amputation or limb difference through peer mentorship, educational resources, and community events. https://www.empoweringamputees.org/
Amputee Coalition
The mission of the Amputee Coalition is to reach out to and empower people affected by limb loss to achieve their full potential through education, support and advocacy, and to promote limb loss prevention. https://www.amputee-coalition.org/
Traumatic Brain Injury
Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA)
BIAA’s mission is to advance awareness, research, treatment, and education and to improve the quality of life for all people affected by brain injury https://www.biausa.org
BrainLine is a national multimedia project offering information and resources about preventing, treating, and living with TBI. BrainLine includes a series of webcasts, an electronic newsletter, and an extensive outreach campaign in partnership with national organizations concerned about traumatic brain injury. https://www.brainline.org/
Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Program
The Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Program’s purpose is to provide all eligible residents who sustain a traumatic brain or spinal cord injury the opportunity to obtain the necessary services that will enable them to return to an appropriate level of functioning in their community. Call 800-342-0778 or 850-245-4045. http://www.floridahealth.gov/provider-and-partner-resources/brain-and-spinal-cord-injury-program/index.html
Hope After Head Injury
Hope After Head Injury exists to bring hope to those who have been impacted by brain injury. We understand that the journey through head trauma is a road that when walked alone can be scary and lonely. Through the voices of brain injury survivors and caregivers we provide awareness, encouragement, and hope. http://www.hopeafterheadinjury.com/
Spinal Cord Injury
Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation
The Reeve Foundation is dedicated to curing spinal cord injury by funding innovative research, and improving the quality of life for people living with paralysis through grants, information and advocacy. (800-539-7309) https://www.christopherreeve.org/
MSKTC-Living with Spinal Cord Injury
Resources for people living with spinal cord injury. https://msktc.org/scinited
United Spinal Association
United Spinal Association is a national 501(c) (3) nonprofit membership organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of all people living with spinal cord injuries and disorders (SCI/D), including veterans, and providing support and information to loved ones, care providers and professionals. https://unitedspinal.org/
General Information
American Trauma Society
For 50 years, the ATS has served as an advocate for the trauma care system, trauma prevention programs, and survivors of trauma and their families throughout the United States. Our mission is to Save Lives, Improve Care, & Empower Survivors. https://www.amtrauma.org/
Brooks Adaptive Sports & Recreation
Brooks Adaptive Sports and Recreation is a resource that helps people living with a mobility impairment enjoy a higher quality of life through the benefits of a socially and physically active lifestyle. *All adaptive sport and recreation activities, equipment and expert instruction are provided at no cost to the individual. Call (904) 945-7314 for more information. https://brooksadaptivesportsandrecreation.com/
Florida Elder Helpline (800-936-5337)
Information regarding elder services and activities is available through the Elder Helpline Information and Assistance service within each Florida County. Click the above link to access contact information by county. All Elder Helplines can be accessed through the Florida Telecommunication Relay System (1-800-955-8771 for TDD or 1-800-955-8770 for Voice) which allows telephone calls to be placed between TDD users and non-users with the help of specially trained operators translating the calls. https://www.elderaffairs.org/programs-services/elder-helpline-1-800-963-5337/
Trauma Survivors Network
We are a community of patients and survivors looking to connect with one another and rebuild our lives after serious injury. Our goal is to ensure the victims of trauma a stable recovery and to connect to those who share similar stories. https://www.traumasurvivorsnetwork.org/pages/home
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
Free and confidential service that provides 24/7 support to individuals facing mental health struggles, emotional distress, alcohol or drug use concerns, or who just need to talk to someone who cares. Call, text, chat, and ASL is available. https://www.988lifeline.org
Clay County Behavioral Health
Clay Behavioral offers mental health and substance abuse services for adults and children. For more information or to make an appointment, visit https://www.ccbhc.org or call (904) 291-5561.
Credible Minds by Florida Department of Health
Visit this resources for informative articles and access to Clay County resources related to general mental health and wellbeing at https://clay.crediblemind.com
HCA Florida Orange Park Outpatient Behavioral Health
Behavioral Health Outpatient services include partial hospitalization program and intensive outpatient program with access to medication management to help improve your quality of life. Call (904) 639-8654.
Mental Health Resource Center, Inc (MHRC)- Duval County
MCRC is a non-profit organization that provides a wide range of behavioral health social services to the community including 24- hour emergency services; inpatient psychiatric services; and outpatient services including medication management, case management, counseling, supported housing, psychosocial rehabilitation and more. (904) 695-9145. https://www.mhrcflorida.com
SAHMSA Substance Use Treatment Locator
Assists with locating state-licensed providers who specialize in treating substance use disorder, addiction, and mental illness. https://findtreatment.gov/
Mental Health Referral Services
Access to Care Line
Free 24/7 resources that offer advocacy, brief screening and referral, and information about mental health and substance abuse programs in Northeast and North Central Florida. 1-877-229-9098 or visit https://www.lsfnet.org/lsf-health-systems/
A confidential and anonymous resource for persons seeking treatment for mental health and substance use disorders in the United States and its territories. https://www.findtreatment.gov
Psychology Today
Locate a therapist or psychiatric services. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us
United Way 2-1-1
United Way 2-1-1 is operational 24/7 and helps callers from 9 Northeast Florida Counties (Duval, St. Johns, Clay, Baker, Nassau, Columbia, Suwannee, Hamilton, and Putnam). https://www.211.org
Florida Bureau of Victim Compensation As the victim of a crime, you may be eligible to receive assistance related to the following: Wage loss, loss of support, disability, funeral/burial, treatment expenses, mental health and grief counseling, property loss reimbursement, and relocation assistance for domestic violence, sexual battery, and human trafficking. For more information, call 1-800-226-6667. To access the forms, visit https://www.myfloridalegal.com/victim-compensation Florida Department of Children and Families Abuse Hotline The Florida Abuse Hotline accepts reports 24/7 for known or suspected child abuse, neglect, or abandonment and reports for known or suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation of vulnerable adults. You can report online at https://reportabuse.dcf.state.fl.us/ or call 1-800-96-2873 or Florida Relay 711 or TTY 800-955-8771 or fax your report to 800-914-0004. If you suspect or know of a child or vulnerable adult in immediate danger, call 911. For more information about services, visits https://www.myflfamilies.com/. Florida Partnership to End Domestic Violence Provides victims of domestic violence connection to resources as well as free training for the professionals and volunteers who work with them. Visit https://www.fpedv.org for more information. Georgia Crime Victims Compensation Program When other resources are exhausted, the Georgia Crime Victims Compensation Program (Victim Comp) may be able to assist you with up to $25,000 in compensation for expenses and loss of income or support resulting form victimization. Additional assistance includes help accessing court ordered restitution and securing the placement of a memorial for a loved one killed by an impaired driver. Visit the website for access to the application and more information, https://crimevictimscomp.ga.gov/for-victims/ National Domestic Violence Hotline Provides direct connection to help via online chat or by telephone (800) 787-3224. Education includes signs of an abusive relationship, how to safely leave an abusive relationship, and much more. Visit https://www.thehotline.org Victim Connect Resource Center The Victim Connect Resource Center consists of a weekday phone, chat, and text referral helpline operated by the National Center for Victims of a Crime. Services are available for all victims of a crime in the United States and its territories. Call 1-855-484-2846 (1-855-4VICTIM) or visit their website at https://victimconnect.org.Victim Services
Domestic Violence Shelters and Sexual Assault Centers offer emergency shelter for victims of domestic violence and assistance with navigating next steps. These facilities also provide education to the community to help decrease the incidence of future violence. Quigley House (Clay County) Quigley House is a comprehensive Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Center whose mission is to provide advocacy and empowerment to victim while providing community education to heighten awareness. For more information call the Outreach Center at (904) 284-0340 or visit https://www.quigleyhouse.org. For help, call the 24/7 Crisis Helpline at (904) 284-0061. Hubbard House (Duval County and Baker County) Hubbard House is a full-service certified domestic violence center. Call the 24/7 Domestic Violence Hotline, (904) 354-3114, for help or visit https://www.hubbardhouse.org to learn more. Micah’s Space (Nassau County) This non-profit organization provides outreach services, information, referrals via a 24-hour hotline (904) 225-9979 (call or text) and shelter for victims of domestic violence. Visit https://www.micahsplace.org or call (904) 491-6364 for more information. Lee Conlee House (Putnam County) Lee Conlee House, Inc. serves adults and children who are survivors of domestic violence through the following services: emergency shelter, supportive housing, substance abuse program, children’s program, prevention, and outreach. For help call the hotline at (386) 325-3141. For additional information call (386) 325-4447 or visit the website, https://www.leeconleehouse.org Betty Griffin Center (St. Johns County) Offers hope and healing for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault through providing shelter, court advocacy, legal assistance, financial counseling, and other services.. Services are provided to men, women, and the children impacted by assault. Advocates are available to talk 24//7 at (904) 824-1555 or visit https://www.bettygriffincenter.org. TTD/TTY: (904) 827-0236. National Human Trafficking Hotline Provides 24/7 connection to services to help victims of sex and labor trafficking get and stay safe. Phone: 888-373-7888| TTY: 711| Text: 233733 or visit https://www.humantraffickinghotline.org.Domestic Violence Shelters