The entire J.W. Ruby Memorial Hospital trauma team is highly trained and experienced. Our physicians, nurses, pharmacists, respiratory therapists, and trauma techs work as a collaborative, compassionate team driven by evidence-based practice. Providing excellent bedside care is our number one priority. Our world-class trauma doctors also provide guidance to emergency medical technicians, paramedics, and flight nurses, collaborate with other specialists, and co-manage the Surgical Intensive Care Unit.
Who We Are
The WVU Critical Care and Trauma Institute’s Jon Michael Moore Trauma Center was created in the 1980s with the assistance and support of U.S. Senator Robert C. Byrd. The center is named for his grandson, Jon Michael Moore, who died as the result of an automobile crash. We are the only American College of Surgeons (ACS) certified Level 1 Adult and Level 2 Pediatric Trauma Center in the region.
What We Offer
Serving as an essential part of emergency care at WVU Medicine, our trauma team maintains 24-hour coverage in the Emergency Department and provides expert care for patients with severe musculoskeletal injuries and related complications. We care for more than 3,000 trauma patients annually, from all parts of West Virginia and from Ohio, Pennsylvania and Maryland. While some patients arrive directly from the scene of the injury, others are treated initially at another health care facility and then transferred to the JMMTC for specialized trauma care. In addition to caring for the injured, we work to promote wellness and injury prevention through community education, outreach initiatives, and legislation at the local, state, and federal levels. The hospital’s social and rehabilitation services help to coordinate the care of patients when they are ready to leave the acute care hospital, whether they are heading home, to rehabilitation or to skilled nursing.
Recognized Excellence
American College of Surgeons Trauma Center Ranking
As the only Level I adult trauma center in the region, the Jon Michael Moore Trauma Center has met essential criteria that ensures trauma care capability and institutional performance as outlined by the ACS Committee on Trauma. Trauma centers are ranked according to standards established by the ACS from Level I (comprehensive service) to Level III (limited care.)
TSN Coordinator

Holly Riley RN, BSN, TCRN
Holly Riley
Email Coordinator
1 Medical Center Drive, PO Box 8229
Morgantown, West Virginia, 26506
work: 304-598-4659
Upcoming Programs and Events
Mountaineer Trauma Support Group
3rd Thursday of every month • 6 pm – 7 pm contact [email protected] for link to meeting
May is Trauma Awareness Month!
May 2024 – The entire month of May is focused on raising awareness for trauma survivors, their family/friends, and the trauma professionals who go above and beyond every day. Learn more here .
National Trauma Survivors Day!
May 15, 2024 – The 3rd Wednesday in May is National Trauma Survivors Day! We celebrate together the strength and resiliency of trauma survivors, their family/friends, and the trauma professionals who go above and beyond every day. Learn more here.
NextSteps Online
Ongoing – The NextSteps program is a free 6-week self management course designed to recognize that YOU play the most important role in your recovery. based on the principles of self-management. It uses techniques that have been scientifically proven to increase one’s self confidence and sense of empowerment. NextSteps teaches you the skills to become an active self manager of your health and your life. Learn more here.
Community Resources
Community Resources
WVU Critical Care and Trauma Institute Website
https://wvumedicine.org/criticalcare/ Information about the WVU CCTI including all the JW Ruby ICUs, providers, services, directions, etc.
WVU JW Ruby Jon Michael Moore Trauma Center Website
https://wvumedicine.org/criticalcare/jon-michael-moore-trauma-center/ Information about our trauma center, trauma team, services offered, etc.
Night of Recognition
https://www.hsc.wvu.edu/night-of-recognition/home/ Information regarding the annual Jon Michael Moore Trauma Center Night of Recognition, which recognizes the hard work and dedication of the many professionals who comprise the trauma system – from the scene of the injury through inpatient hospital care to rehabilitation and recovery through a few survivors reflection of their event.
Stop the Bleed Campaign
https://www.bleedingcontrol.org/ BleedingControl.org is an initiative of the American College of Surgeons and the Hartford Consensus and contains diagrams, news, videos, and other resources contributed by a variety of other private and nonprofit partners to help prepare you in the event you are witness to one of these unspeakable events.
Brain Injury Association of America
http://www.biausa.org The Brain Injury Association offers Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) information and resources, support groups, prevention materials, and awareness events.
Brain Trauma Foundation
http://www.braintrauma.org Brain trauma foundation for improving outcomes of traumatic brain injury patients
Center for Neuro Skills
http://neuroskills.com Traumatic brain injury resource guide
Spinal Injury 101
http://spinalinjury101.org Information on spinal cord injuries and recovery
United Spinal Association
http://unitedspinal.org United Spinal Association has teamed up to create a national network of peer support for individuals, friends and family members. High standards have been in assisting people living with spinal cord injuries and disorders (SCI/D). Many people are universally unprepared for the unique challenges of living with a new (SCI/D). It’s vital to reach these individuals and caregivers with the proper support as quickly as possible, to empower with the appropriate tools and resources to adapt their life, regain their independence and conquer any hurdles along the way.