With expertise in both adult and pediatric trauma and as a regional referral center, Boston Medical Center (BMC) is the largest provider of trauma and emergency services in New England.
The BMC Trauma Center has a reputation as one of the country’s finest centers. Verified by the American College of Surgeons as a Level I adult trauma center, BMC provides the highest level of care to patients with serious, life-threatening injuries.
The Acute Care and Trauma Surgery team is available 24/7 for patients in need of immediate surgical care due to injury and for those experiencing urgent surgical emergencies because of illness. Surgeons, advanced practice providers, critical care nurses, and other skilled staff work together to deliver exceptional care to our patients throughout the care continuum, from the Emergency Department to the outpatient clinic. Department members also care for patients in the newly renovated, state-of-the-art Surgical Intensive Care Unit, which admits more than 1,500 patients annually.
Boston Medical Center has extensive support available through multiple programs for survivors of trauma.
TSN Coordinator

Lisa Allee, MSW, LICSW
Email Coordinator
One Boston Medical Center Place
Boston, Massachusetts, 02118
Boston Medical Center Acute Care & Trauma Surgery
Boston Medical Center Community Violence Response Team
Boston Medical Center Social Services Resources
Upcoming Programs & Events
Trauma Survivor’s Network Peer Support Groups
Ongoing – Traumatic injuries affect both physical and psychosocial well-being. The Trauma Survivor’s Network Peer Support Groups connect trauma survivors, providing a space to share experiences, offer mutual support, and enhance coping skills. The Trauma Survivors Network offers a virtual support group twice a month using Zoom. Join us using your computer, tablet, or phone. To register for an upcoming virtual support group, or to learn more please click here.
NextSteps Online
Ongoing – The NextSteps program is a free 6-week self management course designed to recognize that YOU play the most important role in your recovery. based on the principles of self-management. It uses techniques that have been scientifically proven to increase one’s self confidence and sense of empowerment. NextSteps teaches you the skills to become an active self manager of your health and your life. Learn more here.
Amputee Support Group
First Wednesday of every month • 1:00-2:30pm (EST)
Amputees, families and friends are invited to attend. We meet to discuss common areas of interest, including accessibility and resources. We socialize, share coping strategies and support each other.
Contact Person
Sally Johnson, LICSW
Email: [email protected]
Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Lantern Room 5 (5th Floor)
300 1st Avenue
Charlestown, Massachusetts 02129
Spinal Cord Injury/Disorder Support Group
Every Thursday • 4:00-5:00pm (EST)
Join the Greater Boston Chapter of United Spinal Association for one or more of our weekly virtual support groups for individuals with spinal cord injury/disorder (SCI/D). Our groups include Women with SCI/D, Nutrition, Significant Others of Individuals with SCI/D, Spanish Speakers, Newly Injured, After Dark: Intimacy & Relationships, General SCI/D Discussion, Family & Friends, Children with Loved Ones with SCI/D (monthly), and a monthly Saturday Education Series.
Contact Person
Heidi Estrada, GBC
Email: [email protected]
BABIS (Boston Acquired Brain Injury) Support Group
First Saturday of every month • 10:00am-12:00pm (EST)
For brain injury survivors, family and friends, this large support group averages 60+ people each month. We also have a facilitated family/caregiver (brain injury-related) support group which meets at the same time.
Contact Person
Sally Johnson, LICSW
Email: [email protected]
Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital
300 1st Avenue
Charlestown, Massachusetts 02129
Community Resources
The Community Violence Response Team at Boston Medical Center
The Community Violence Response Team at Boston Medical Center has clinicians dedicated to providing individual and family counseling services to survivors of violence and family members who have been impacted by violence. In addition, we have case management and family advocacy services to provide additional support and assistance. All services are non-insurance based and are free to the clients and their families. These services are offered to children and adults of all ages. Survivors of violence and their families will be offered support while inpatient at the hospital as well as follow up after discharge. Services include crisis intervention, psycho-education, ongoing counseling, therapeutic support, case management, advocacy and referrals to community partners. Family survivors of homicide victims will be offered assistance with burial planning, ongoing support and counseling. Learn more here.
Violence Intervention Advocacy Program
Boston Medical Center’s VIAP Program helps guide victims of community violence through recovery from physical and emotional trauma. Using a trauma informed model of care, VIAP empowers clients and families, facilitates recovery by providing services and opportunities. VIAP presents options for families that bring hope and healing to their lives. In turn, this guidance helps strengthen others who are affected by violence and contributes to building safer and healthier communities. Learn more here.
Department of Psychiatry at Boston Medical Center
The Department of Psychiatry at Boston Medical Center and Boston University School of Medicine provides addiction treatment, emergency psychiatric services, child and adolescent services, adult services, integrated behavioral health services and global and local research programs. Our faculty, clinicians and staff are deeply committed to providing excellent care to the diverse populations served by Boston Medical Center, the Boston Veterans Administration Health System, and our community health center partners. Our programs focus on mitigating the social determinants of health and providing culturally sensitive care, training, and research. Explore our department, its outstanding clinical services, and world-class research and training opportunities. Learn more here.
The Domestic Violence Program at Boston Medical Center
BMC’s Domestic Violence Program is a resource for patients, employees, community members, and anyone who is seeking information or help with domestic violence. Our Advocates will listen without judgment, without telling you what to do, while offering information and support in the areas you want help with. Learn more here.
Immigrant and Refugee Health Center at Boston Medical Center
The BMC Immigrant & Refugee Health Center connects all of Boston Medical Center’s existing programs and expertise in immigrant and refugee health care into one central point of entry where any immigrant patient can be connected with all of BMC’s medical, mental health and social services that they need in order to heal, rebuild and thrive. We all know the challenge of navigating a complex health care system. By aligning BMC’s immigrant and refugee programs under one medical home model, we can ensure that all of our patients are connected with BMC’s full menu of comprehensive care, can access these services in an efficient way, and are supported by knowledgeable, caring staff in navigating our healthcare system. Learn more here.
The Good Grief Program at Boston Medical Center
The Good Grief Program at Boston Medical Center provides therapeutic support to children who have experienced an important loss such as the death of a significant person, divorce, or separation from a primary caregiver. After a loss, children need the support of caring adults to help them make sense of their loss, to support their grief, and to strengthen their strategies to cope. The Good Grief Program offers a steadying and supportive force for children who are grieving as they respond to their loss or losses. Learn more here.
Child Witness to Violence Program at Boston Medical Center
The Child Witness to Violence Project (CWVP) provides free, specialized counseling, advocacy, and outreach services to support young children and their caregivers. CWVP works with children, ages birth to 8 years old, who have been exposed to domestic violence, community violence, or other potentially traumatic events. From within Boston Medical Center’s Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, CWVP has provided therapy to thousands of children and their families since its inception in 1992. CWVP is staffed by a multi-cultural team of social workers, educational and clinical psychologists, mental health clinicians, early childhood specialists, and a consulting pediatrician. The Child Witness to Violence Project facilitates local, state-wide, and national training’s for mental health clinicians, health care professionals, police, educators, and many other social services professionals who support children who have been exposed to violence. Learn more here.
Child Protection Team at Boston Medical Center
The Child Protection Team (CPT), part of the Department of Pediatrics in the Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, works with patients, families and staff to improve pediatric health and well-being by consulting on issues of suspected child maltreatment. Trains BMC doctors, nurses and other professionals how to protect, recognize and manage child maltreatment. We work collaboratively with many departments within BMC to ensure that comprehensive care is provided, and that providers and staff have support and training in child maltreatment. The Child Protection Team is a multidisciplinary group of pediatricians and social workers. Our team has specialized training and works collaboratively to ensure comprehensive care is provided to meet the needs of children and families. Our team provides consultation 24-Hour a day 7-days per week. Learn more here.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Youth Violence Prevention Resources
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention funds national research and specializes in health education, resources, and raising awareness. Youth violence is a serious problem that can have lasting harmful effects on victims and their family, friends, and communities. Youth Violence Prevention efforts should aim to reduce factors that place youth at risk for perpetrating violence and promote factors that protect youth at risk for violence. Many prevention tools have been developed and implemented; many of these prevention programs and strategies have been evaluated and found to be effective at preventing violence and related behaviors among youth. Contact Information: 1-800-232-4636 / TTY: 888-232-6348. Learn more here.
Boston Emergency Services Team (BEST)
The BEST team, under the leadership of Boston Medical Center and with the support of the Massachusetts Behavioral Health Partnership, provides 24/7 crisis response and emergency mental health services to children, adolescents and adults in Boston, Brookline, Chelsea, Revere and Winthrop communities. This team includes bilingual responders to serve all the residents in our communities, providing access to a comprehensive, highly integrated system of crisis evaluation and treatment services. Learn more here.
AskMOVA (Massachusetts Office for Victim Assistance)
AskMOVA is a free online resource offered by the Massachusetts Office for Victim Assistance (MOVA). MOVA supports free and accessible direct services throughout Massachusetts that help crime victims and their families recover from the impacts of violent crime. AskMOVA allows victims, survivors, and service providers to find these free services in an area that is convenient, accessible, and safe for the victim or survivor. Learn more here.
Victim Witness Assistance Program
The Victim Witness Assistance Program of the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office provides information, support, and assistance to witnesses, victims of crime, and their family members at no cost. SCDAO provides these services to all Suffolk County crime victims, witnesses and survivors without discrimination. Learn more here.
Victim Compensation and Assistance Division
If you, a family member or a loved one has been the victim of a violent crime, you can fill out an application with the Victim Compensation Division of the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office. Learn more here.
Massachusetts Behavioral Health Partnership
The Massachusetts Behavioral Health Partnership (MBHP) manages behavioral health care for more than 500,000 MassHealth Members statewide. Working with its network of providers, MBHP offers high quality, accessible, culturally sensitive health care to Members of the MassHealth Primary Care Clinician (PCC) Plan, Community Care Cooperative (C3), Mass General Brigham ACO, Steward Health Choice, and the BeHealthy Partnership. We also serve children in state custody and others. Learn more here.
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Mission: Save Lives and Bring Hope to Those Affected by Suicide. Established in 1987, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) is a voluntary health organization that gives those affected by suicide a nationwide community empowered by research, education, and advocacy to take action against this leading cause of death. Contact Information: 1-888-333-2377. Learn more here.
The Brittany Fund for Trauma and Recovery
Brittany Loring, a survivor of the Boston Marathon bombings, founded Brittany Fund for Trauma and Recovery shortly after sustaining injuries on April 15, 2013. The Brittany Fund strives to provide financial support to survivors of trauma so they can focus on their physical and emotional recovery. Learn more here.
The mission of AMPOWER is to empower and strengthen those affected by amputation or limb difference through peer mentorship, educational resources, and community events. Learn more here.
Amputee Coalition
The mission of the Amputee Coalition is to reach out to and empower people affected by limb loss to achieve their full potential through education, support and advocacy, and to promote limb loss prevention. Resources and information for children, adults, and families. Contact Information: (888) 267-5669. Learn more here.
Americans with Disabilities Act
The ADA website provides information and technical assistance regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act. Contact Information: 1-800-514-0301 (voice) / 1-800-514-0383 (TTY). Learn more here.
Anxiety and Depression Association of America
The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) is dedicated to the prevention, treatment, and cure of anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive, and trauma-related disorders through education, practice, and research. It helps people understand the disorders and educates them about scientifically supported treatments so they can make informed decisions. It also supports professionals who provide treatment and conduct research. Click the link to learn how ADAA could help you or your family. Contact Information: 240-485-1001. Learn more here.
New England Regional Spinal Cord Injury Center
The Center has a long and distinguished history in working with the spinal cord injury community across the New England region. As a Model System, SNERSCIC serves as an advocate and resource for individuals with SCI, their families and caregivers, and healthcare professionals. SNERSCIC works to enhance the lives of people with SCI across their lifespan through innovative science and technology, with particular attention to underserved populations. Learn more here.
Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation
The Reeve Foundation is dedicated to curing spinal cord injury by funding innovative research and improving the quality of life for people living with paralysis through grants, information, and advocacy. Contact Information: 1-800-225-0292. Learn more here.
Brain Injury Association of America
The Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) works to advance awareness, research, treatment, and education to improve the quality of life for adults and children affected by brain injury. BIAA is dedicated to increasing access to quality health care and raising awareness and understanding of brain injury. It has a network of state affiliates, local chapters, and support groups. Contact Information: (877) 995-7674. Learn more here.
Brain Injury Association of Massachusetts
A nonprofit organization, BIA-MA provides Support & Resources to brain injury survivors and their families; Prevention Programs to educate the public on the impact of brain injuries; Education & Training for brain injury survivors, caregivers and professionals; and Legislative Advocacy for improved community services and safety laws (seat belts, helmets). Learn more here.
Brainline provides education and resources about Brain Injury and PTSD for both adult and pediatric survivors and their families. They focus on treatment and recovery information for moderate to severe TBI symptoms in both adults and children. Contact Information: 703-998-2020. Learn more here.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration National Helpline (SAMHSA)
This helpline provides 24-hour free and confidential treatment information about mental and/or substance use disorders, prevention, and recovery in English and Spanish. The SAMHSA website also offers a treatment locator to identify local mental health providers. For assistance, call 1-800-662-HELP, TTY: 1-800-487-4889, or visit the website here.
American Addiction Center
The mission of American Addiction Center is to provide quality, compassionate, and innovative care to adults struggling with addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders. Through comprehensive and customized treatment plans, they instill hope that long-term recovery is possible. Their purpose and passion are to empower you, your family, and your community by helping you achieve recovery and optimal wellness of the mind, body, and spirit. Contact Information: (888) 969-4402. Learn more here.
Grayken Center for Addiction at Boston Medical Center
The Grayken Center for Addiction at Boston Medical Center is a national hub for substance use disorders resources. Through more than a dozen treatment and support programs for patients of all backgrounds, here at Grayken, we revolutionize addiction treatment and education, replicate best practices, and provide policy, advocacy, and thought leadership. Learn more here.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
The mission of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is to end drunk driving, help fight drugged driving, support the victims of these violent crimes, and prevent underage drinking. Learn more here.